Various ¦ Sex: Too Fast To Live Too Young To Die

CHF 75.00 inkl. MwSt

2LP (Kompilation)

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This is a list of punk rock compilation albums. Compilation albums played a particularly vital role in the development of new punk rock bands, since relatively few local bands had a large enough audience to justify their own albums.

Multiple-band albums

United States

American Youth Report1982 LP, 1994 CDBomp! RecordsMostly Southern California hardcore
The Blasting Concept [1]1983 LPSST Records[1]SST artists, mostly Southern California hardcore
Can of Pork [2]1992 2xLP, 1994 CDLookout! Records[2]29 bands mostly from California. Also features bands from other parts of the U.S.
The Decline of Western Civilization (soundtrack)1981 LP, 1996 CDWarner Bros.Live performances from the movie. Mostly L.A. hardcore.
Fat MusicVarious 1994-2010Fat Wreck ChordsVarious bands on the Fat Wreck Chords roster
Flex Your Head1982 LP, 1993 CDDischord11 bands from the Washington D.C. hardcore scene
Flipside Vinyl Fanzine1984 LP, 1993 CDFlipside Records3-record set. The 2-CD version omits a few songs. Hardcore.
Hell Comes to Your House1981 LP, 1998 CDTime Bomb/Bemis BrainSide 1 hardcore, side 2 deathrock
Let Them Eat Jellybeans!1981 LPAlternative TentaclesSide 1 hardcore, side 2 various genres.
Nardcore1984 LP, 2002 CDMystic RecordsHardcore from Oxnard, California. An example of Mystic's "local" records.
International P.E.A.C.E. Benefit Compilation1984 2-LP, 1997 2-CDR Radical Records (1984)
New Red Archives (1997)
55 punk and hardcore bands from 13 countries around the world.
New York Thrash [3]1982 cassette, 1998 CDROIR[3]CD has additional tracks. Punk and hardcore.
Not So Quiet on the Western Front1982 LP, 1999 CDAlternative Tentacles47 bands, mostly Northern California hardcore.
Punk-O-Rama [4]Various 1994-2005Epitaph RecordsSeries of low-cost albums featuring Epitaph artists. Early issues are mostly punk.
PunkzillaVarious 2001Nitro RecordsCompilation album consisting of songs by bands on Nitro Records.
Red Scare Industries: Ten Years Of Your Dumb BullshitVarious 2014 CD & LPRed Scare Industries17 artists from the Red Scare roster, unreleased material
Rock Against BushVarious 2004Fat Wreck ChordsPunk rock songs against George Bush.
Rodney on the ROQVariousPosh Boy RecordsSeries of three. Punk and New Wave as popularized by the radio program.
Something to Believe in1984BYO Records17 Bands, mostlry early 80's hardcore
Streets1977 LPBeggars Banquet RecordsEarly punk compilation (mostly from UK)
The Thing That Ate Floyd1988 LP, 2002 CDLookout! RecordsEast Bay punk and hardcore.
This Is Boston, Not L.A.1982 LPModern Method RecordsEarly Boston hardcore. CD version also includes the Unsafe at Any Speed compilation EP.
Turn It Around!1987 2x 7", 1991 12"Maximumrocknroll
Very Small Records
12 bands from the 924 Gilman Street project in Berkeley, California.

United Kingdom

Raw War (The World Of Punk)[5]1983 CSXcentric Noise RecordsInternational compilation with bands from Brazil, Canada, Finland, Holland, Italy, Norway, and the U.K.

Single-band albums

The Clash

The Cramps



The Reverend Horton Heat

The Saints

By punk rock subgenre

Garage punk


Punk jazz

John Zorn compilation albums

Ska punk

NOFX compilation albums

See also


  1. ^ a b "The Meat Puppets' Curt Kirkwood Talks About His Love for Disney and Old Musicals". Vice. November 21, 2014. Retrieved June 29, 2017.
  2. ^ a b "A Brief History of Krupted Peasant Farmerz". Metroactive. July 17, 2012. Retrieved June 29, 2017.
  3. ^ a b Nadler, B. (2014). Punk in NYC's Lower East Side 1981-1991: Scene History Series. Scene History. Microcosm Publishing. p. 13. ISBN 978−1−62106−908−9. Retrieved June 29, 2017.
  4. ^ (April 29, 2017). "Various Artists - Old Skars and Upstarts". Retrieved June 29, 2017.
  5. ^ "Blast From the Past: Xcentric Noise". MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL. 2015-08-04. Retrieved 2019-03-13.

Same album, but different version(s)...

Various ¦ Sex: Too Fast To Live Too Young To Die
CHF 75.00 inkl. MwSt